
1980   Im Bade wannen

Susanne Linke premiere 1980 Im Bade wannen photomontage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Rhidha Zouari, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:April 24th 1980, Folkwang-Hochschule, Essen
  • soloist:Susanne Linke
  • music:Erik Satie: "En habit de Cheval" and "Gymnopedies" in the orchestra version by Debussy
  • costume:Susanne Linke

(revival: 2001)

1980   Wowerwiewas?

Susanne Linke premiere 1980 Wowerwiewas photo montage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Thomas Vogt
  • premiere:June 20th 1980, Theater of the City (Casa Nova), Essen, Folkwang-Tanzstudio
  • soloist:Kyomi Ichida
  • dancers:Francoise André, Marilen Breuker, Christine Brunel, Jean-Michel Lacômme,
  • Ramah El Badr, Mikhail Honesseau, Kyomi Ichida,Barbara Passow
  • music:Eric Satie, Guiseppe Verdi, watersounds
  • stage:Steffen Boeckmann
  • costumes:Susanne Linke



1981   Frauenballett

Susanne Linke premiere 1081 Frauenballett photo montage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Georg Schreiber, Rhidha Zouari, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:January 17th 1981, Theater of the City (Casa Nova), Essen, Folkwang-Tanzstudio
  • soloist:Kyomi Ichida
  • dancers:Francoise André, Marilen Breuker, Christine Brunel, Jean-Michel Lacomme, Ahmad Hodjati-Mohseni, 
  • Ramah El Badr
  • music:Krzysztof Penderecki: "Magnificat" and guitar music from the Renaissance
  • dramaturgy:Susanne Linke, Mercedes Mayor
  • costumes:Susanne Linke

(revival: 2010)

Frauenballett-REVIVALS (the soloists)

1981 Frauenballett

photographer unknown
photographer unknown

November in Lima, "Ballet Nacional de Peruano"

directed by Vera Stasny

soloist: Nora Villanueva

1984 Frauenballett

photo: Ingrid Brückner
photo: Ingrid Brückner

Folkwang Tanzstudio, Essen

  • soloist:Claudia Lichtblau
  • dancers:Mikhail Honnesseau,
  • Ahmad Hodjahti-Mohseni 

1988 Frauenballett

photo: article of "Artes e Espectáculos"; photographer unknown
photo: article of "Artes e Espectáculos"; photographer unknown

Grupo Corpo in Belo Horizonte,

directed by Rodrigo Paderneiras

  • soloist:Miriam Paderneiras

1990 Frauenballett

photographer unknown
photographer unknown

Compañia de Danza Universidad de Costa Rica

in San Juan, directed bz Rojelio Lopez

  • soloist:Liliana Valle

1992 Frauenballett

photo: Georg Schreiber
photo: Georg Schreiber

Folkwang Tanz-Studio (FTS), Essen

  • soloist:Regina Advento
  • dancers:Jordi Puigdefabregas, Daniel Goldin

1993 Frauenballett

photographer unknown
photographer unknown

Kibbutz-Company, Israel, directed by Judith Arnon

  • soloist:Sivan Fastman
  • dancers:Scott Heinrich, Uri Ivgy

1993 Frauenballett

photographer unknown
photographer unknown

(Short version of Frauenballett) Kibbutz-Dance-School Israel, directed by Judith Arnon

dancers of the Mateh-Asher-School of Performing Arts, master class

1993 Frauenballett

photographer unknown
photographer unknown

(Short version of Frauenballett) WORKSHOP, Kibbutz-Dance-School Israel, directed by Judith Arnon

dancers of the Kibbutz-Dance-School

1996/97 Frauenballett

photo: Jörg Landsberg
photo: Jörg Landsberg

Bremen, Bremer Tanztheater,

directed by Susanne Linke and Urs Dietrich

  • soloist:Ditta Miranda-Jasjfi

2010 Frauenballett

photo: Georg Schreiber OR Ursula Kaufmann
photo: Georg Schreiber OR Ursula Kaufmann

Folkwang Tanz-Studio, Essen,

directed by Lutz Förster and Rodolpho Leoni

  • soloist:Luiza Braz Batista


1981   Flut

Susanne Linke premiere 1081 Flut solo photomontage Heidemarie Franz
photos (from left): 2x Heinz Lohmann; unbekannt, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:June 16th 1981, Theater Reydt, Mönchengladbach, in the context of the "Ensemblia 82" festival
  • soloists:Susanne Linke
  • music:Gabriel Fauré: "Elegie" in a rehearsal recording with Pablo Casals as conductor
  • costumes:Susanne Linke

(revival:1995; reconstruction:2001)


1982   Es schwant...

Susanne Linke premiere 1982 Es schwant photomontage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Rhidha Zouari, Gert Weigelt, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:March 1982, Folkwang Hochschule, Essen
  • soloists:Susanne Linke
  • music:Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky: "Pathétique" 3rd movement
  • costumes:Susanne Linke

1982   Wir können nicht alle nur Schwäne sein

Susanne Linke premiere 1982 Wir koennen nicht alle nur Schwaene sein photomontage Heidmarie Franz
photos: Georg Schreiber (left), Pan Sok (middle and right), photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:May 250th 1982, Den Haag, in the context of the "Holland Festival" with the Folkwang-Tanzstudio
  • dancers:soloists:Rolando Brenes-Calvo, Marilen Breuker, Christine Brunel, Wanda Golonka, Mikhail Honneseau,
    Jean-Michele Lacômme,  Claudia Lichtblau, Luc Petton, Mitsuru Sasaki
  • music:Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky: parts of "Pathétique"
  • costumes:Susanne Linke


1983   Am Reigenplatz

Susanne Linke premiere 1983 Reigenplatz photomontage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Georg Schreiber, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:May 25th 1983, theater-tent in the English Garden, Munich,
  • in the context of the "Theaterfestivals München"
  • dancers:
    Rolando Brenes-Calvo (Dionysos), Luc Petton (Pentheus), Mitsuru Sasaki (Therasias):
    Christine Brunel, Tology da Silva, Urs Dietrich, Wanda Golonka, Claudia Lichtblau, Barbara Passow
  • dramaturgy:Susanne Linke, Mercedes Mayor
  • music:animal sounds, György Ligeti
  • stage:Gerhard Benz
  • costumes:Claudia Lichtblau



1984   Die Nächste bitte!

Susanne Linke revival 1984 Die Naechste bitte photomontage Heidemarie Franz
photographer unknown, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • revival:1984, Folkwang Tanz Studio for the tour of South America
  • dancers:
    Gitta Barthel, Wanda Golonka, Claudia Lichtblau, Tology da Silva; Marion Amschwand, Barbara Hampel
  • music:Americanfolk music of the 1950s
  • costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)


(premiere:May 1978, revival: automn 1978)


1984   Orient-Okzident

Susanne Linke premiere 1984 Orient Okzident solo photomontage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Gert Weigelt, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:February 1984, Karlsruhe
  • soloist:Susanne Linke
  • music:Yannis Xenakis: "Orient-Okzident"
  • costume:Susanne Linke


(reconstruction: 2010, and REPERTOIRE>SOLOS)



1985   Schritte verfolgen

A dance evening by Susanne Linke in cooperation with VA Wölfl

Susanne Linke premiere 1985 Schritte verfolgen solo photo montage Heidemarie Franz
photographers: Urs Dietrich (rehearsal photos, above left); Gert Weigelt (stage design photos), photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:September 18th 1985 at the Academy of the Arts, Berlin, during the Berliner Festspiele
  • soloist:Susanne Linke
  • music collage:Dieter Behne, Susanne Linke, with the use of compositions by Hector Berlioz, Frédéric Chopin,
  • Ginger Baker´s Airforce, Edvard Grieg, Gustav Mahler, drum music from Ruanda and Togo
  • musical adviser:Dr. Klaus Raab

stage design and costumes: VA Wölfl, Susanne Linke

  • lighting:VA Wölfl, Johan Delaere


(premiere: (of the 2nd version) 1986; reconstruction: 2007



1986   Schritte verfolgen

A dance evening by Susanne Linke in cooperation with VA Wölfl

Susanne Linke 2nd premiere 1986 solo Schritte verfolgen photo montage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Michel Lidvac (above); Birgit ..., Michel Lidvac, Gerno Michalke, Michel Lidvac (below), photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:(of the 2nd version) April 21st 1986, Grillo Theater Essen
  • soloist:Susanne Linke
  • music collage:Dieter Behne, Susanne Linke, with the use of compositions by Hector Berlioz, Frédéric Chopin,
    Ginger Baker´s Airforce, Edvard Grieg, Gustav Mahler, drum music from Ruanda and Togo
  • musical adviser:Dr. Klaus Raab

stage design and costumes: VA Wölfl, Susanne Linke

  • lighting:VA Wölfl, Johan Delaere


(premiere: (of the first version) 1985; reconstruction: 2007)


1986   Also Egmont, bitte

Susanne Linke premiere 1986 Also Egmont bitte photo montage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Betriz Schiller, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:February 25th 1986, Joyce Theater, New York, José Limón Dance Company
  • dancers:Bambi Anderson, Jim Clinton, Colin Conner, Lutz Förster, Stuart Gold, Benjamin Harris,
  • Roxane D´Orleans Juste, Carla Maxwell, Carlos Orta, Quincella Swyningan, Nina Watt, Leni Williams
  • music:Ludwig van Beethoven: "Egmont Ouvertüre" in a rehearsal recording with Rudolf Kempe
  • costumes:Susanne Linke




1987   Afectos humanos - Dolor

Reconstruction and solo - Tribute to Dore Hoyer

Susanne Linke premiere reconstruction Dore Hoyer Solo Afectos humanos Dolor photo montage H Franz
photographers: (Dore Hoyer-photos, vertikal sidebar) Enkelmann, Gert Weigelt; (photos Susanne Linke) Gert Weigelt, Ridha Zouari
  • reconstruction (afectos humanos - premiere (dolor):october 1987, Teatro Municipal General San Martin, Buenos Aires
  • soloist:Susanne Linke
  • choreograph:Dore Hoyer (Eitelkeit, Begierde, Angst, Liebe); Susanne Linke (Dolor)
  • music:Dimitri Wiatowitsch, Gustav Mahler: a song "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen"
  • costumes:Dore Hoyer


1988   Jardin Cour

Susanne Linke premiere 1988 Jardin Cour photo montage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Jacques Moatti, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:February 15th 1988, Centre Pompidou, Paris,
    Groupe de recherche Chorégraphique de l´Opéra de Paris (GRCOP)
  • dancers:Martine Clary, Marie-Eve Edelstein, Pascale Ferrari, Katia Grey, Emmanuelle Jonquères, Florence Lambert, Myriam Naceri, Olivier Ageoges, Jean-Claude Ciappara, Renaud Fauviau, André Lafonta,
  • Jean-Christophe Paré, Jean-Hugues Tanto
  • sound collage:Dieter Behne, with the use of rehearsal recordings with Arturo Torcanini zu Guiseppe Verdis "La Traviata"

stage and costumes: Frank Leimbach, Susanne Linke

  • lighting:Bert de Raeymaeker


1988   Affekte

Susanne Linke Urs Dietrich premiere 1988 Affekte photo montage Heidemarie Franz
photos: Ridha Zouari, Yannick Monnier, Marco Caselli, photomontage: Heidemarie Franz
  • premiere:December 16th 1988, Théâtre de la Ville, Paris
  • dancers:Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich
  • choreography:Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich
  • music:Johann Sebastian Bach, Japanese drum music:"Ondekosa", animal and natural sounds

costumes and stage design: Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich

  • lighting:Wilfried Kresiment