CHOREOGRAPHIES of the 70s and early phase
1970 Mono
- premiere: June 1970, Folkwang-Hochschule, Essen
dancers:Susanne Linke (Solo)
as well as students of the Folkwang-Hochschule graduating class: Tan Gwat Mee, Beate Preuss, Rudi Wolf, Horst Schreiber - music:Djangar Bali
1971 Trio
- premiere:December 12th 1971, Folkwang-Hochschule, Essen, Folkwang-Tanzstudio
- dancers:Catherine Denisot, Carlos Orta, Horst Schreiber
- music:Modern Jazz Quartet
1973 Habe die Ehre... zum Ball
1978 further developed to "L´Histoire obscure"
- premiere:1973, Folkwang-Hochschule, Essen, Folkwang-Tanzstudio
dancers:Vivienne Newport (soloist: witch);
Tjitske Broersma, Frances Carty, Manne Dahlsted, Catherine Denisot, Susanne Linke, Horst Schreiber -
music:Walter Carlos: Air from "Water Music" -
Allegro deciso by Georg Friedrich Händel Sonate G-Dur by Domenico Scarlatti - costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)
1975 Danse funèbre
premiere:March 15th 1975,
in the context of the competition "Ballet pour demain" in Paris, Bagnolet -
dancers:Marilen Breuker, Frances Carty, Reinhild Hoffmann, Bettina Kleinhammes from the Folkwang master class;
Susanne Linke (solo as "Die Seele des verstorbenen Mädchens") -
music:Gustav Mahler:"Das Lied von der Erde", "Der Abschied", "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen"
from the 5 Rückert songs - costumes:Susanne Linke
1975 L´ Histoire obscure
- premiere:April 1975, Pont-à-Mousson, Frankreich
- dancers:of the Folkwang-Hochschule master class: Arnaldo Álvarez, Marilen Breuker, Frances Carty, Guy Detot,
- Reinhild Hoffmann, Bettina Kleinhammes, Susanne Linke
- music:Walter Carlos: Air from "Water Music" -
- Allegro deciso by Georg Friedrich Händel Sonate G-Dur by Domenico Scarlatti
- costumes:Susanne Linke
(Revival: 1978)
1975 Puppe?
- premiere:July 1975, at the Choreographic Competition in Cologne, 2nd prize
dancers: Vivienne Newport (soloist), and dancer of Pina Bausch´Wuppertaler Tanztheater;
the Folkwang-Hochschule students: Arnaldo Álvarez, Guy Detot, Lutz Förster - music:Wolfgang Amadeus Morzart: Kv. 563 Andante by the trio Divertimiento Allegro deciso by Georg Friedrich Händel Sonate G-Dur by Domenico Scarlatti
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)
(Revival: 1977)
1975 Trop tard
- premiere:in the context of Festival Estival de Paris, 2nd prize September 1975, Opéra-Comique, Paris
- dancers:Guy Detot, Lutz Förster, Reinhild Hoffmann from the Folkwang-Hochschule master class
- music:Jean-Ives Bosseur
1976 Danse funèbre
- revival:March 1976, with the Wuppertaler Tanztheater, directed by Pina Bausch
- soloist:Vivienne Newport as "Die Seele des verstorbenen Mädchens"
- dancers:(photo montage) Reinhild Hoffmann, Marlies Alt, Barbara Passow, Jolanda Meier
music:Gustav Mahler:"Das Lied von der Erde", "Der Abschied", "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen"
from the 5 Rückert songs - costumes:Susanne Linke
1976 Der Tod und das Mädchen
Tribute to Mary Wigman - 1978 further developed to the solo "Wandlung"
- premiere:1976, Folkwang-Hochschule, Essen; Folkwang master class
- soloist: Vivienne Newport as "Die Seele des verstorbenen Mädchens"
- dancers:(photo montage):Frances Carty (solo; Arnaldo Álvarez, Geta Bahrmann, Marilen Breuker, Huy Detot,
- Lutz Förster, Michael Hall, Gillian Horine, Christine Parker
- music:Franz Schubert
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)
1976 De la nuit à l´aube
- premiere:1rst October 1976, Pont-à-Mousson, France with the Folkwang master class
- dancers:(photo montage):soloists: Dominique Mercy, Reinhild Hoffmann, Frances Carty;
- group:Geta Bahrmann, Lutz Förster, Gillian Horine, Christine Parker
- music:Johannes Brahms: "Das Deutsche Requiem"
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)
1977 Ach Unsinn!

- premiere:February 5th 1977,Folkwang-Hochschule, Essen
- soloist: Susanne Linke
- music:Ivo Malec, Bernardo Parmegiani, Guy Reibel
- costumes:Susanne Linke
1977 Warten Sie auch?
premiere:March 22nd 1977, Musikhochschule, Köln, in the context of the Ballett Werkstatt directed by Rolf Garske
with the Folkwang master class -
soloists: Lutz Förster (Herr Wendehals), Frances Carty (Fink Gauch);
Geta Bahrmann, Gillian Horine, Philip Kilner, Christine Parker (as her thoughts) - music:chirping birds
- costumes:Susanne Linke
1977 Puppe?
- revival:1977
dancers:(photo collage): Urs Kaufmnn, Beatrice Libonati, Carlos Gollier, Lutz Förster;
dancers of the FTS-Folkwang Tanzstudio, Essen - music:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:Kv. 563 Andante by the trio Divertimiento
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Weninger (seamstress)
1977 Satie
- premiere:November 1977, Folkewang-Hochschule, Essen
dancers:Lutz Förster (soloist);
Geta Bahrmann, Christine Brunel, Carlos Gollier, Gillian Horine, Urs Kaufmann, Philip Kilner, - Beatrice Libonati
- music:Eric Satie: various works for piano
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Weninger (seamstress)
1977/78 Danse funèbre
- revival:1977/78
dancers: Marilen Breuker, Christine Brunel, Kyomi Ichida, Beatrice Libonati,
Susanne Linke (solo as "Die Seele des verstorbenen Mädchens") -
music:Gustav Mahler:"Das Lied von der Erde", "Der Abschied", "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen"
from the 5 Rückert songs - costumes:Susanne Linke
1977/78 Warten Sie auch?
- revival:1977/78, Folkwang Tanzstudio, Essen
- dancers:soloists: Lutz Förster (Herr Wendehals), Beatrice Libonati (Fink Gauch);
- group (the thoughts):Geta Bahrmann, Marilen Breuker, Kyomi Ichida, Philip Kilner
- music:chirping birds
- costumes:Susanne Linke
1978 Wandlung
Tribute to Mary Wigman, olo, further developed from "Der Tod und das Mädchen"
- premiere:March 1978, Theater Heidelberg, in the context of the choreographers´meeting
- soloist:Susanne Linke
- music:Franz Schubert
- costume:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)
1978 L´Histoire obscure
- revival:1978
- dancers: (of the Folkwang Tanzstudio, Folkwang-Hochschule, Essen): soloist Beatrice Libonati (witch);
- group:Geta Bahrmann, Marilen Breuker, Christine Brunel, Lutz Förster, Kyomi Ichida, Philip Kilner
- music:Walter Carlos: Air from "Water Music"-Allegro deciso, Domenico Scarlatti: Sonate G-Dur
- costumes:Susanne Linke
(premiere further developed from "Habe die Ehre... zum Ball" 1973)
1978 Die Nächste bitte!
- premiere:May 1978, Folkwang_Hochschule, Essen, Folkwang-Tanzstudio
- dancers:(premiere) soloists:Christine Brunel, Kyomi Ichida, Beatrive Libonati, Philip Kilner;
- Geta Bahrmann, MarilenBreuker
- music:Carlos: American folk songs of the 1950s
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)
1978 Danse funèbre
- revival:1978, Folkwang Tanzstudio, Essen
dancers:Marilen Breuker, Christine Brunel, Kyomi Ichida, Barbara Passow;
Susanne Linke (solo as "Die Seele des verstorbenen Mädchens") -
music:Gustav Mahler:"Das Lied von der Erde", "Der Abschied", "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen"
from the 5 Rückert songs - costumes:Susanne Linke
1978 Die Nächste bitte!
- revival:automn 1978, Folkwang_Hochschule, Essen, Folkwang-Tanzstudio
dancers:Christine Brunel, Kyomi Ichida, Barbara Passow; Mikhael Honnesseau
Geta Bahrmann, Marilen Breuker - music:American folk songs of the 1950s
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)
1978 Ballade
- premiere:December 9th 1978, Folkwang_Hochschule, Essen, Folkwang-Tanzstudio
- actor:Sabine Wegner (graduating class of the Folkwang Hochschule für Schauspiel
- dancers:Francoise André, Marilen Breuker, Christine Brunel, Mikhael Honnesseau
- Kyomi Ichida, Urs Kaufmann, Barbara Passow
- music:Moderns Jazz Quartet
- stage:Steffen Boeckmann
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Frau Wenninger (seamstress)