1991 Effekte
(previously: Affekte gelb)
- premiere:January 10th 1991, Kultur-Forum, Verlbert
- dancers:Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich
- choreography:Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich
- music:electronic music, Pierre Henry, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Angela Spreer (seamstress)
- lighting:Wilfried Kresiment
1991 Ruhr-Ort
- premiere:September 30th 1991, Leverkusen
- dancers:Urs Dietrich, Ahmad Hodjati-Mohseni, Karsten Itterbeck, Avi Kaiser, Henry Montes, Thomas Stich
- music:Ludger Brümmer
- stage design:Frank Leimbach
- advisor:Robert Schad
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Angela Spreer (seamstress)
- lighting:Wilfried Kresiment
rehearsal assistant: Hans Fredeweß
1992 ?Tristan und Isolde?
- premiere:September 9th 1992, AT & T Danstheater, Den Haag, nederlands Dans Theater I
- dancers:Lorraine Blouin, Patrick Delcroix, Ivan Dubreuil, Glenn Edgerton, Jorma Elo, Nancy Euverink, Susan Laraghy, Sol León, Paul Lightfoot, Brigitte Martin, Bruce Michelson, Elke Schepers
- music:Ludger Brümmer, Richard Wagner: Ouvertüre "Liebestod"
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Angela Spreer (advisor)
- lighting:Wilfried Kresiment
1992 Wandlung

- revival:1992, Canada
- soloist:Roxane D´Orleans Juste
- music:Franz Schubert: "Der Tod und das Mädchen"
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Anne Bentgens (seamstress)
1993 Dialog I (with GB)

- premiere:February 17th 1993, Hebbel-Theater, Berlin
- dancers:Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich
- choreography:Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich
- music:John Cage: "Das präparierte Klavier", Morton Feldman, sounds of machines
spatial installation: Robert Schad
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Urs Dietrich
- lighting:Wilfried Kresiment
1994 :amasti mai?
premiere:February 26th 1994 in Vienna at the 7th Vienna International Dance Festival,
a production of the Nederlands Dans Theater III - soloist:Sabine Kupferberg, assisted by Gérard Lemaitre
- music:Vincenzo Bellini
- costumes:Angela Spreer, Joke Visser
- lighting:Joop Caboort
1994 Dialog I and II (Carte Blanche)
- premiere:May 4th 1994, Teatro Comunale; Ferrara
- soloist:Susanne LInke
- music:John Cage: "Das präparierte Klavier", Morton Feldman; Avo Pärt
spatial installation: Robert Schad
- costumes:Susanne Line
- lighting:Wilfried Kresiment, Michael Wagner
production:Companie Susanne Linke, Essen; Hebbel-Theater, Berlin; Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. Essen;
Teatro Comunale di Ferrara; Theater der Stadt Remscheid
1994 Märkische Landschaft
- premiere:August 19th 1994, Hebbel-Theater, Berlin
- dancers:Philippe Ducou, Karsten Itterbeck, Avi Kaiser, Henry Montes, Robert Seyfried, Thomas Stich,
- Wilfried van Poppel
- music:Peter Hollinger (percussion)
- sounds:Wolfgang Bley-Borkowski
- stage design:Thomas Richter-Forgách
- costumes:Susanne Linke, Astrid Reinhardt
- dramaturgy:Peter Krumme
- assistant:Hans Fredeweß
- production:Hebbel-Theater, Berlin; Theater Bremen
1995 Querabas
- premiere:June 13th 1995, Folkwang-Academy, Essen
- dancers:students of the Folkwang-Academy graduating class
- music:rechno music, sounds
1995 Flut

- revival:1995, Canada
- soloisrt:Roxane d´Orleans Juste
- music:Gabriel Fauré: "Elegie" in a rehearsal recording with Pablo Casals as conductor
- costume:Susanne Linke
1995 Also Egmont, bitte
- revival:1995, Bremer Tanztheater, Bremen, directed by Susanne Linke and Urs Dietrich
- dancers:Marion Amschwand, Leonardo Cruz, Ingo Diehl, Roberto Giovanetti, Margarete Huggenberger,
- Ditta Miranda Jasjfi, Hannele Järvinnen, Helge Letonja, Amaya Lubeigt, Barbara Martinini, Anne MInetti, Francisco Pimentel, Franz Weger, Gilles Welinski
- music:Ludwig van Beethoven: "Egmont Ouvertüre" in rehearsal recordings with Rudolf Kempe
- costumes:Susanne Linke
1996 Hamletszenen
- premiere:January 25th 1996, Theater Bremen, Bremer Tanztheater
dancers:Thomas Stich (Hamlet), Gilles Welinski (Hamlet); Marion Amsschwand (Gertrude);
Philippe Ducou, Francisco Pimentel (King Claudius); Karsten Itterbeck (Polonius);
Roberto Giovanetti,Wilfried van Poppel (Rosenkranz/Güldenstern); Gitta Barthel, Amaya Lubeigt, - Barbara Martinini, Ditta Miranda Jasjfi (Ophelia); Leonard Cruz (Laertes);
- Helge Letonja, Ziv Frenkel (photographers)
- music:Roland Steckel
scenery and props: Thomas Richter-Forgách
video projections: Nan Hoover
- assistant:Waltraut Körver
- production:Theater Bremen; Hebbel-Theater, Berlin
1996 Heiße Luft
- premiere:November 2th 1996, Theater Bremen, Bremer Tanztheater
- dancers:Virginia Cortes, Leonard Cruz, Ziv Frenkel, Roberto Giovanetti,Kiri Haardt, Ditta Miranda Jasjfi,
- Amaya Lubeigt,Barbara Martinini, Anne Minetti, Francisco Pimentel, Wilfried van Poppel, Gilles Welinski
- sound design:Wolfgang Bley-Borkowski
scenery and props: Thomas Richter-Forgách
fabric creation: Francisco Pimentel
- assistant:Barbara Cleff
dramaturgic assistant: Waltraut Körver
1997 La Chute
- premiere:November 9th 1997, Theater Bremen, Bremer Tanztheater
- dancers:Marion Amschwand, Leonard Cruz, Philippe Ducou, Ziv Frenkel, Kiri Haardt, Ditta Miranda Jasjfi,
- Lara Martelli,Barbara Martinini, Roberto Giovanetti, Francisco Pimentel, Wilfried van Poppel,
- Gilles Welinski
choreographic assistant: Barbara Cleff
- sound:Wolfgang Bley-Borkowski, George Crumb, György Kurtág
dramaturgic assistant: Waltraut Körver
scenery and props: Thomas Richter-Forgách
1998 Durch
- premiere:May 27th 1998, Folkwang-Academy, Essen
- dancers:students of the Folkwang-Academy, Essen
- music:techno music
- texts:Rudolf von Laban, Hans Surén
1998 Es wird schon... Honeymoon in Paraguy
- premiere:December 3rd 1998, Theater Bremen, Bremer Tanztheater
- dancers:Tomas Bünger, Leonard Cruz, Philippe Ducou, Ziv Frenkel, Roberto Giovanetti, Kiri Haardt,
- Ditta Miranda Jasjfi,Amaya Lubeigt, Lara Martelli, Barbara Martinini, Francisco Pimentel,
- Wilfried van Poppel, Gilles Welinski
choreographic assistant: Barbara Cleff
music collage: Susanne Linke
dramaturgy assistant: Waltraut Körver
scenery and props: Thomas Richter-Forgách
1999 Über Kreuz
- premiere:June 11th 1999, Hebbel-Theater, Berlin
- dancers:Susanne Linke, Reinhild Hoffmann
- choreography:Reinhild Hoffmann, Susanne Linke
choreographic assistant: Ines Abarbanell
- music:Helmut Lachenmann, Salvator Sciarrino
- stage design:Dieter Appelt; Laba notation by movie: Christine Eckerle
- costumes:Andrea Schmidt-Futterer, Barbara Carbonell
- movie:Walter Lenertz
- lighting:Andrea Greiner
- dramaturgy:Annette Storr
1999 Le Coq est mort
- premiere:October 6th 1999, Montreal/Festival International de Nouvelle Danse
- dancers of Germaine Acogny´s Compagnie Jant-Bi in Senegal: Ciré Beye, Djibril Diallo,
- Chrysogone Diangouaya, Amadou Gueye, Moustapha Gueye, Papa Sy, Jean Tamba, Abubacar Usman
- (A production of: Verein zur Förderung des Zeitgenössischen Tanzes e.V.;
- Jant-Bi, Toubab Dialwe, Senegal;
- production: Theâtre de la Ville, Paris; Choreographisches Zentrum NRW, Essen; Goethe-Institut Dakar)
co-choreography: Avi Kaiser
- costumes:Oumou Sy
- lighting:Horst Mühlberger
1999 Penthesilea Ping!
- premiere:December 10th 1999, Theater Bremen, Bremer Tanztheater
- dancers:Ester Ambrosino, Tomas Bünger, Kiri Haardt, Ditta Miranda Jasjfi, Oksana Kuzmenko, Lara Martelli,
- Francisco Pimentel, Wilfried van Poppel, Gilles Welinski, Miroslaw Zydowicz
- director:Susanne Linke
- choreography:Bremer Tanztheater in Zusammenarbeit mit Susanne Linke
scenery and props: Thomas Richter-Forgách
- sound-design:Wolfgang Bley-Borkowski, unter Verwendung von Richard Wagner:Ausschnitt aus "Liebestod"
dramaturgic assistant: Waltraut Körver
- assistant:Sonja Zausch